Dual Eq Samples – Method to Samples and Sounds Equalization

In this article I will share with you one of the methods that you sometimes use to improve their own samples. First, however, warn that if this method can provide beneficial results in a sampled, which is something missing, it might be bad for working with professional samples. Pro samples, if are really good, should not require adjustments. However, this method, which I called ‘Dual Eq Samples’, can be good in the process of creating Professional Samples.

The first thing I do is open your favorite audio editor, which contains the well-known for my equalizer. In my case it is a simple gold wave, to which I am very used to. I will not recommend you any EQ, use the one that you know well, but beware of some medium-quality Eq plugins.

The second thing is the preparation of one or a few really good-sounding samples, which can be cut from your favorite songs, and you could have bought some Professional Samples? These will serve to compare your samples with those in order to deliver the best sound

Now compare your sample with those. Most professional samples will be brighter, less muddy, more comprehensive, dynamic, or warmer, deeper space. If your sample is missing the top, is to strengthen the EQ much higher frequencies respectively, compare the samples and possibly make another adjustment. When you think you have finished, save the new sample, it is necessary as a new file.

Then turn the prepared samples to compare, then your original one, and one with enhanced high frequencies. It is often so that you will miss the first high frequency, and the second heat (unless you have set the once great EQ). For the purposes of this article, we have to accept that something is still missing in the version;)

Now take your original sample and processed, and connect them together. Adjust the volume of one or the other, so that sounded good together. If you did everything right, so now you should have a better sounding and more balanced sound. You can hear much better effect, but you still missing something? No problem. Now you can continue the process has already improved the sample, save it as a separate file, and perform another join 2in1;)

This is quite an interesting way to get a fuller sound. Although not my approach to this method uncritically, however, because it requires a bit of fun and skill, it is the end result will probably be better.

Remember, do not take responsibility if you use poor-quality EQ plug-ins, or you will not be in good shape auditory;)